Saturday, January 24, 2015


It's a great feeling being happy.

I feel free.

I feel content.

The other day I was looking at my other blog... Diary of a Mind gone insane.  I have come a long way. I couldn't have done it without your support. Without the support of my friends, family, complete strangers who kept me in their hearts and prayers. 

I've learned to be so grateful for everyone in my life and on this planet and it's a beautiful feeling.  It brings tears to my eyes.  These tears are of joy and sadness.  Sadness because I've taken so much for granted.  I had extreme tunnel vision for a long time.  I saw myself as a burden to everyone.  I couldn't see what light I shed on others.  I couldn't see how I touched others. I couldn't see how beautiful, smart, and strong I really am. I based my life around superficiality.  I based my intelligence on my GRE and SAT score as well as my G.P.A. I based my beauty on comparing myself with others.. I basically based my life around comparing myself to others. If I was asked to give one advice and one advice only.  My advice would be DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANYTHING OR ANYONE...NOT EVEN YOUR PAST SELF. 

While walking with my elderly lady who has Alzheimer's, we sang Amazing Grace.  It was beautiful because the words hit home.  I once was lost, but now am found.  Was blind, but now I see.

I see so much now.  I see God in my life.  I see God everywhere.  I've learned to have faith.  I've learned to see the light.  I am grateful.

I'm so happy to be here in California.  The weather is beautiful.  I was miserable in the cold.  Completely miserable.

There is life here.  There are trees with leaves, flowers blossoming.  Roses, Irises, Lettuce are alive!


It's as if I'm in Heaven.

 I'm in heaven.  I'm in heaven.

Thank you for reading. 


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