Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy Belated New Years

Well I meant to write this post new year's eve, but never got around to it (as you can see).
I'd have to say that this is one of the best new year's I had in quite some time.  You see, instead of celebrating New Year's in a psych ward like I did last year, I celebrated it while cat sitting in a beautiful apartment.  I looked at last year's new years as the beginning of destruction.  As most of you know, last year was quite the challenge.  For this year, I determined it to be a year of healing. After all, I did sprain my ankle a few days before and it's been in the healing process.

My very good friend, Neeti, has been a great inspiration in my life.  I call her my "Guru." because that's exactly what she is.  She helps guide me and ground me tremendously.  While talking to her about New Years, she mentioned to me how she doesn't like the word resolution and instead prefers the word goals.
 I couldn't agree more.
She gave me homework to do by New Year's Day at 12:00am sharp...and that was to come up with 5 things that I want happening in 2015 that would make it the best year yet.

So while cat sitting with the cat who did not like me at all, I sat there and thought to myself.  What do I want?

And I came up with the list:

Backpacking adventure around Europe with Bridget
Find silver lining in every situation
Get more certifications in the healing arts
Find true love with myself
Gain teaching abroad certificate
Become financially, mentally, physically, spiritually stable
Spread love and peace to those I am in contact with.

As you can see, I'm not good at following directions.

So I called Neeti all excited about my "5 resolutions." She was not so impressed "I said five, not 20...and secondly, you need to go more in to detail.  What kind of certifications do you want? How are you going to achieve becoming financially, mentally, spiritually, physically stable."

My response was "Well, I want to become certified in Reiki III, I want to learn Reflexology, Massage, Tai Chi..." and then I was cut off.

"Hold on...you are to choose one specific one because it's obviously not realistic to do all of that in a year" she said as matter-of-factly.

"Aww man,"  I pouted. "Why can't I be superwoman."

"I'm not even going to go there. You need to focus on things that are really realistic.  What can you afford to do, etc.  So, you need to go back and CHOOSE 5 and be more focused on what you really want happening to make 2015 the best year yet!"

"Oh the practical ones," I thought, "why do they have to always be right and be so...REALSTIC?? "

So here I am, 13 days later...still trying to come up with what will make 2015 the best year yet.
So I looked back at a journal entry I had written last year, I'm not really sure of the date, but it was sometime possibly around June/July...but who knows.  In any case this is what I wrote:

1) Live near a beach, in a friendly, healing, atmosphere,

2) Find a job that uses the gifts I have been graciously given that connects me to my soul and connects to others and allows me to be financially stable.

3) Heal

4) Have and show gratitude

5) Live simply

So...I think those are my 5 goals that I want happening to make this year the best one yet.

As to how I'm going to accomplish them, I'm not sure. I've come to believe that is now all up to the universe to help provide me what I need. I have faith, the most important thing to have, as well as heart! I do know I'll accomplish healing by giving myself self care.  Hurting my ankle has taught me to slow down and to take time out for self care.  I need to rush less and bathe more.

As I speak, #1 is becoming reality for me.  I will be moving to Aptos, near Santa Cruz, at the end of the month when my friend comes back from Thailand.  I'll be living in a little cottage- a shed converted into a small bedroom next to a house.  The house holds the kitchen and bathroom, the shed holds my bedroom. So it will be my little sanctuary.  I'm kind of glad it's a small space..b/c that means I don't have much space to throw clothes around in. The backyard also has a fire pit and a jacuzzi.  And did I mention the beach is less than 3 blocks away?  Yay to goal #1 already being checked off.
Now to find a job that lists everything I listed.  Wish me luck!

So here's to a great New Year.  I know it's going to be a wonderful year because 5 is my lucky number and secondly, I deserve it to be a wonderful year!

Peace, love, happiness, joy, wealth and GREAT HEALTH each and everyday to all!

Thank you for reading!

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