Sunday, May 25, 2014

New Beginnings

I decided to create this new blog as a way to have more positivity in my life. 
I feel as though my blog, Diary of a Mind Gone Insane, was a great way to help me get through these last few months of pure madness; however, keeping such a name while trying to improve, isn't really helpful.  Therefore, I made this blog titled: "Turning toward the light" because I no longer want to be insane. I've been there, done that, and it's time for me to move on.

My hope for this new blog is to attempt to keep things positive and not fall back on my negativity.  I feel as though I'm at a crossroad right now.  I can go down the same spiraling path or turn towards the path of light.  I'm choosing the path of light. It's time for me to shake the devil off of my back. 


  1. Love this, yes I feel like this too want to live fully, great step to your healing Aoife!

    1. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and for your support :)

    2. You are so welcome!!

  2. Yes! Thank you! It's a piece I did in art therapy. All my art in blog posts are originals. I'm considering selling prints and originals. If you are interested...let me know:). Thank you for your compliment!
